Aziz Ansari's Character On "Parks And Rec" Has Some Of The Best Business Ideas Of All Time

    Borderline genius.

    This supercut featuring all of Tom Haverford's ingenious entrepreneurial ideas is inspiring as f*ck. Basically, he's way too ahead of his time, but just you watch and wait world! Contact lenses that display texts are coming at ya!

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    I mean, tweens have always needed their own cracker, amirite?

    And you know glitter just makes everything better, so why not add it to laundry detergent?

    Not into that? Put glitter in your butter! Have the best toast of your life.

    And you know that your office environment could benefit from a Whine & Cheese Club, a gathering to vent over fine wines and cheeses, of course.

    How great would it be to cut your fingernails once and never have to cut them again!

    This is actually a terrible idea.

    Mostly, though, Tom Haverford's genius lies in his entertaining skills. He needs to open up his own club one day, and boy does he have lots of ideas about it.