14 Bizarre Plastic Surgery Procedures That Will Make You Say WTF

    And each one is totally necessary.

    1. Eye implants that change your iris color.

    2. Beard transplants for extra manliness.

    3. Eyelash transplants that NEVER STOP GROWING

    4. Palm line alterations that will supposedly change your fate.

    5. "Pokertox" — botox specifically targeted for a perfect poker face.

    6. Pointy Spock ear cropping.

    7. Voice lifts.

    8. Fake dimples.

    9. Turning outies into innies.

    10. East Asian double eyelid surgery.

    Blepharoplasty is a procedure where the skin around the eye is reshaped to create an upper eyelid with a crease from an eyelid that is naturally without a crease. It's the most common procedure in Taiwan and South Korea, where western celebrity culture has become deeply ingrained. In fact, South Korea currently has more surgeries per capita than anywhere in the world.

    11. Prosthetic testicles... for your pet. Not you. Your pet. YOUR PET.

    12. Growing noses on foreheads, because why not?

    13. Fake ears constructed out of other body parts.

    14. Tongue splitting. Ssssssssssss.