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12 BatDad Vines That Prove He's The Superhero We Need Right Now

"I have four kids and a Batman mask." — @BatDadVine

1. BatDadVine is your new favorite Vine user.


2. He's a dad from Atlanta with four kids, and as his bio says, he has a Batman mask.


3. Which he wears often.


4. His kids seem to enjoy that their dad is a superhero.


5. His wife? Maybe not so much.


6. Yeah, no.


7. But BatDad shows off his parenting skills.


8. He offers learning experiences.


9. And protects the neighborhood.


10. With 138,500 followers, BatDad has become a hit.

Chew with your mouth closed. #batdad

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Chew with your mouth closed. #batdad

/ Via

11. And of course he made this hilarious Dark Knight reference.


BuzzFeed caught up with BatDad, whose Bruce Wayne-identity is Blake Wilson, and asked him what led to him becoming a hero.

About three weeks ago my wife and I were shopping for a child's birthday party we were going to that weekend with our family. While browsing the toy aisle I saw that Batman mask and put it on just playing around. I ended up buying it and when we got in the minivan I put it on and told my wife I'm BatDad lol. I made that first vine about driving a minivan with the mask on and we just cracked up. It was so fun I just kept making them. I started getting comments from a lot of parents telling me how funny they are and how they can relate. I got on the Vine "on the rise" page and things kind of exploded from there. This past weekend a top Viner, Jessica Cook revined two of my posts and it just really shot me up there. When I first got Vine i tried doing the typical "try to be funny" stuff, and it actually drove my family kinda nuts. I decided to stop doing that and just have fun with them by doing this BatDad stuff. My wife thinks its hilarious and my kids sometimes do (depending on their moods lol).

12. "Thank you for the article……now I have to empty….the dishwasherrrrrrrr," he concluded.


Follow @BatDadVine on Vine or Twitter for more.