12 Incredibly Ill-Advised Rejection Letters

    If you could turn back time.

    1. From a record company, to U2.

    2. From Disney, to a female artist.

    3. From a record company, to The Who.

    4. From NASA, to a female candidate.

    5. From the BBC, to John Cleese.

    6. From a publisher, to Gertrude Stein.

    7. From MOMA, to Andy Warhol.

    8. From a record label, re: Madonna.

    Madonna used this rejection letter as motivation.She is now d best selling female artist of all time. Never give up!

    "Dear Alec,

    I enjoyed listening to Madonna. This production, arrangements and she are very strong. The direction is a good one, in my opinion. The only thing missing from this project is the material. I liked "I Want You", "Get Up" and "High Society", but I did not like "Love On The Run" at all. I do not feel she is ready yet, but I do hear the basis for a strong artist. I will pass for now, but I will wait for more.

    Good luck and thank you for thinking of me.

    Best regards,

    Jimmy Lenner"

    9. From Marvel, to Jim Lee.

    "Dear Mr. Lee,

    You work looks as if it were done by four different people. Your best pencils are on page 7, panel with agents (lower left corner), and close up of face. The rest of the pencils are of much weaker quality. The same can be said for your inking. Resubmit when your work is consistent and when you have learned to draw hands.


    Eliot R. Brown"

    From the New Yorker, to Sylvia Plath.

    10. From Disney, to Tim Burton.

    11. From The Atlantic Monthly, to Kurt Vonnegut.

    And one that was fair enough.

    Terrific law school rejection letter via @LettersOfNote:

    PS, if you like this sort of thing, visit Letters of Note for more.