19 Signs You Travel Too Much

    Wheels up.

    1. This is what your text inbox looks like:

    2. You are a connoisseur of hotel toiletries.

    You know you travel too much when you get overly excited about a nice hotel lotion. Not too watery, ALMOST smooth silky!

    3. Unpacking = moving clothes from one suitcase to another.

    4. Airport staff know you.

    You know you travel too much when the cute guy working at McDonald's at the airport says: "Hey, back to madrid again?"

    5. You own more miniatures than full-size items.

    At the church raffle hoping to win 24 mini toothpastes. May be an indicator that I travel too much. #carryonbagsonly

    6. Your check-in email situation is confused, to say the least.

    7. You can't remember the last time you slept in your own bed.

    I know I travel too much when I have to look at a calendar to figure out last time I slept in my own bed! Flight tomorrow, but happy now!

    8. This is your second office.

    9. Google can't remember where you live.

    You know you travel too much when Google thinks the airport is your office

    10. Your default answer to 'how was your trip?' is 'which trip?'

    You know you travel too much when someone asks how your trip was and you don't remember what cities you were in.

    11. Your passport looks like parchment.

    12. You have multiple time zones and weather settings on your phone.

    U know u travel too much when ur phone has more than 8 different time zones set! And u actually check them to see why they aren't responding

    13. You get embarrassed when it takes you more than five minutes to go through airport security.

    14. You find it hard to adjust to 'civilian' life.

    You know you travel too much when you have to check your own car to see what side the gas tank is on. 😐

    15. You have given up on having plants.

    16. But even though waiting at the station sucks.

    17. And airplane food is no home cooked meal.

    18. It's worth it for the experience.

    19. And at least you always know where you can get a haircut last-minute.