23 Ways Martha Stewart Is More Hipster Than You

    Don't even try to keep up.

    1. Martha was into cats before the Internet was.

    2. She has her own radio show.

    3. She rocks shiny gold pants.

    (Like any American Apparel enthusiast worth her salt*.)

    4. This happened.

    5. This too. (They made BROWNIES!)

    6. Speaking of prison (which is awful and all), she now has more street cred than ever.

    7. She likes PBR and Conan O'Brien.

    8. She digs Apple products.

    9. She owns super-hip dogs...

    10. ...whom she often forces to wear people clothes.

    11. She got her start as a model.

    12. Sometimes the pressure is just too much.

    13. So she unwinds with some cleansing yoga.

    And looks annoyed by all the long-winded chanting.

    14. Or an even more obscure form of exercise.

    15. She hangs out with other hipsters.

    They DIY.

    16. She also chills with "SNL" cast members.

    17. And "Sesame Street" cast members.

    18. And Mr. T.

    19. She's graced the cover of "Wired."

    20. Halloween is a big thing for her.

    21. Hipsters build shrines to her.

    22. Sometimes on their own flesh.

    Remember when Martha went to jail? This guy sure does.

    23. And finally: One time she wore this.