Easter And 4/20 Are On The Same Day This Year

    Combining to form: EASTER GRASS. (Or Weedster, whatever floats your boat.)

    In what is widely considered* to be the best hybrid holiday since Thanksgivukkah, the day we celebrate Jesus Christ's rebirth happens to also be the day we celebrate smoking a whole bunch of weed.

    So how do you properly celebrate this most glorious of days?

    Buy a set of pot-patterned plastic eggs for your Scavenger Blunt™.

    (Bonus points if you fill them with lighters, rolling papers, or just straight-up nugs.)

    Exchange extra-special baskets.

    You can probably make yours look a tad prettier, but hey, dance what you feel.

    MacGyver a chocolate rabbit bong.

    Remember the moments forever with this commemorative pin?

    Treat yourself to an all-cannabis cream egg.

    It's up to you, however, to navigate your family dinner on your own.

    We'll be featuring a few original projects to help you celebrate Easter Grass to the fullest on BuzzFeed DIY.