A Photographer Recreated Scenes From His Father's Life After He Passed Away

    Mike Mellia's series Another Day in Paradise is a lament for and celebration of both New York City and his father.

    Mellia tells BuzzFeed: "This is a landscape of the Bronx, New York, where I grew up as a child and teenager, and the neighbourhood where my family still lives."

    "My father used to take my brother and myself to all of these great American diners around Manhattan and the Bronx."

    "My father played jazz saxophone, and loved collecting vinyl records of great jazz musicians from the 1950s and 1960s."

    "Like most people, I have many childhood memories of riding bicycles, and my father kept this aspect of the American dream with him his whole life."

    "The Village Vanguard in downtown NYC is the most historic and important jazz club in the entire world. John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk...all the great musicians played there."

    "In this image, this couple remind me of my mother and father walking together, after my brother and I had grown up and moved away from them."

    "With this image I was thinking about the parallels between my father as a young man and myself today."

    "This is Coney Island, which suffered major damage during Hurricane Sandy."