Look At The Incredible Transformation Of Britain's Most Tattooed Man

    This post includes a tribute to The Jeremy Kyle Show.

    Hi there, Mathew Whelan.

    BPM Media

    Or – as he's now known since changing his name: Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite. Although he also goes by the name "Bart", so let's go with that.

    BPM Media

    Or – as he's now known since changing his name: Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite. Although he also goes by the name "Bart", so let's go with that.

    BPM Media

    Or – as he's now known since changing his name: Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite. Although he also goes by the name "Bart", so let's go with that.

    Bart has a tribute to The Jeremy Kyle Show on the back of his head because it's his favourite show.

    And he's had his left eyeball tattooed.

    He also has a silicone-filled ball pushed into his chest. The flesh will eventually tighten around it and will leave the impression of a skull poking out of the skin.

    It's a risky procedure, as his body could reject the foreign body that's been put inside it.

    He got his first tattoo aged 16, but he'd wanted to get them since the age of nine, when he became obsessed with Maori culture.

    He's had some tattoos removed, but only so he can add new ones.

    Earlier this year, he was refused a passport because of his unusual name, which he had changed by deed poll.

    Yup. Ink Land King Body Art The Extreme Ink-Ite is his actual name.