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25 Incredibly Creepy Things Everyone Does

We all have a creepy side.

1. Taking on someone's accent while talking to them.

2. Reading over someone's shoulder.

3. Sniffing your own hair.

4. Sniffing someone else's hair.

5. Thinking your friend is right next to you but accidentally talking to a stranger.

6. Thinking your boo is right next to you but accidentally holding hands with a stranger.

True story: When I was 8 or so, I held a strange man's hand because I thought he was my dad, and he didn't let go and I still haven't fully recovered.

7. Hugging someone for too long.

8. Accidentally kissing someone on the lips.

You were going for the cheek, you swear.

9. Staring at a stranger while trying to figure out if it's someone you know.

10. Or staring into space and realizing you've been gazing at a stranger for an uncomfortably long time.

11. Pretending to take a selfie so you can snap a picture of a hot person behind you.

12. Seeing a friend of a friend tagged in a Facebook photo, and spending way too much time going through that person's albums.

13. Hovering outside a circle of people talking, not sure how to enter the conversation.

14. Overhearing a joke in someone else's conversation and laughing.

15. Thinking back to something funny and laughing to yourself in public.

Maybe you can pretend you were coughing? Or choking?

16. Making a suspicious sound while sitting.

17. Insisting you maintain a firm grasp on your phone when showing it to someone.

18. Telling someone you wish you had their _____.

19. Peeking into people's windows when you see them lit up at night.

20. Calling someone and then hanging up.

21. Falling into a Wikipedia serial killer spiral.

You started off looking up Stephen Tobolowsky, and now you know every single thing about John Wayne Gacy.

22. Being really, really into a celebrity.

23. Accidentally revealing that you already know a lot about someone because you've googled them.

24. Clicking on a link to a story you know you're going to regret.

25. Combing through someone's old Instagram photos and accidentally liking one.

Keep it creepy, everyone.