21 Things You Should Never Do To Someone From Miami

    Stop writing songs about Miami, bro.

    1. Sing songs about Miami to someone from Miami.

    2. Ask if Miami is like it looks on any TV show about Miami.

    3. ...Especially if that show is Miami Vice.

    4. Ask if we know Pitbull.

    5. Mistake South Beach for Miami.

    6. Oh, and ever mistaking Ft. Lauderdale for Miami.

    7. Call Miami "tacky."

    8. Call Miami "uncultured."

    9. Ask us if people truly are hotter in Miami.

    10. Say people in Miami "talk funny."

    11. Complain about how much Spanish is spoken here.

    12. Quote Scarface.

    Let me guess: Your "little friend" is a euphemism for something else. You're so clever, boo.

    13. Make jokes about older people who move here.

    14. Assume that Miami is basically the set of a music video.

    15. Try to co-opt our vocabulary.

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    What do you even think of life?

    16. Mention He Who Shall Not Be Named.

    17. Complain about the humidity.

    18. Call Miami "The South."

    19. Ask us if we've gone to Dash.

    20. Inform us that you're "in Miami, bitch."

    21. Try to convince us that this isn't an amazing city full of great people.