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    9 Things You Can Do To Get Inspired

    Imagine walking around feeling inspired all the time, inspiring everyone within striking distance of that twinkle in your eye, and breathing inspiration into every hopelessly negative situation you encounter. Think how obnoxious and irritating you’d be to all the cynics you know. How great would that be?

    1. Get out of the house

    2. Exercise

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    For those who want the quick fix, do 20 pushups, 20 squats, 20 lunges, and a 1-minute plank. Maybe 2 or 3 times a day. Then stuff your face with apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, any fruit you can get your hands on. Quench your thirst with a cup or two or water. And for the icing on the metaphorical cake, use that water to knock back a daily vitamin and an omega-3 supplement.

    I am far from an expert on the subject of diet and exercise, but I know that if I exercise and eat a few fruits and veggies on a daily basis, I feel way more energetic and better about myself. And that’s all that matters.

    3. Go outside

    4. Read something that inspires you

    5. Watch something inspirational

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    For those who don’t have the attention span to sit down and read a book, an easy way to get inspired is by finding videos or movie clips that inspire you or get you pumped. Check out films like The Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, or The Dead Poet’s Society. Or Fight Club, or Gladiator. The TED Talks are also a great resource for stimulating and inspirational material. Find a few clips that lift your spirits and fill you with energy, and BOOM. Bookmark the hell out of them for future reference.

    6. Listen to music that gets you pumped

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    As Aldous Huxley once said, “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

    So make use of it! Everyone loves music. Even Nietzsche the crazy philosopher loved music almost as much as he loved consonants. “Without music, life would be a mistake,” he said. So make a playlist of music that pumps you up.

    7. Laugh

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    Obviously if you’re feeling depressed, discouraged, dejected, or just a little down, laughter is the best medicine. Laughing is not only a powerful antidote for adjectives that start with “d”. It also boosts your immune system, relaxes your body, improves blood flow, and releases endorphins in your brain.

    So spend time with friends. Laugh with other people. Laughter is contagious, just like yawning. Or herpes.

    If you don’t currently have access to a friend, watching or listening to comedy can easily put you in a better mood. Studies have shown that interaction with clever comedy can stimulate creativity.

    8. Learn something new

    9. Meditate