These NSFW Puppet PSAs Are Definitely NOT For Kids — Or Easily Shocked Grownups

    The Happytime Murders is not the kind of puppet show you grew up with.

    If these hard-hitting (and hilarious) PSAs are just a taste of the world of puppet depravity uncovered in the upcoming movie, The Happytime Murders, sign me the hell up.

    Lyle is here to remind you that dogs pose a unique threat to puppets.

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    *But the real takeaway here is that cats are assholes, too.

    Let's talk about four-letter words with Sandra! VERY NSFW.

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    What are YOUR favorite four-letter words?

    The Rotten Cotton Girls offer up some ~alternatives~ to internet porn. Warning: You cannot unsee this one.

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    For a good time, call (800) GET-FELT.

    Goofer means well, but gets a little off-message with this PSA on Internet safety.

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    Stay off the sugar, Goofer!

    Is it August 24 yet?