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    18 Signs You're Overly Emotional

    Crying at the Sarah McLachlan commercial is only the tip of the iceberg.

    1. This accurately describes how often you cry:

    2. You've considered buying stock in Puffs and Kleenex.

    3. You have the ability to cry over anything.

    4. Movies, books, TV shows, commercials, billboards, name it, it's made you cry at least once.

    5. Actually, you have a very long list of songs you cannot listen too.

    6. The list of movies that make you hysterically cry is laughably long.

    7. You've spent many nights on YouTube watching sad videos.

    8. Despite your uncontrollable emotions, you still continue watching things that make you cry.

    9. You cry at moments during a movie no one else even considers sad.

    10. So when normal people start to cry, you're already balling your eyes out.

    11. Reading books can be extremely difficult because you feel so much.

    12. If your friend is crying, you're most likely crying harder than them.

    13. Forget about when you're the one who is upset.

    14. You cannot handle saying goodbye to someone you love.

    15. You've been called a cry baby before.

    16. People think you only cry at sad things, but that's the farthest thing from true.

    17. Your happy cry looks a little like this:

    18. Whereas, your ugly cry is a cross between this:

    Plus this:

    Oh, and of course this: