23 Problems Solved By People Who Are Clearly On Another Level

    Life made easy.

    1. Been working on that Rubik's for HOURS?

    2. No time to get to the mechanic?

    3. Need to bring your buddy somewhere he isn't allowed?

    4. Exasperated by the constant slipping of your mid-shower glass of wine?

    5. Super attached to your broken clock?

    6. Can't see your Kindle but don't want to leave the pool?

    7. Don't feel like....plugging in your iron?

    8. Love the arts, but a bit uncomfortable with the human body?

    9. Can't say goodbye to your beloved (but broken) flip flops?

    10. Can't drop the cash on a new door handle?

    11. Can't waste even one more second searching for a parking spot?

    12. Desperate to charge your iPhone, but not desperate enough to buy a new charger?

    13. Can't see out that back window?

    14. No in-flight entertainment?

    15. Keep waking yourself up every time you nod off?

    16. Not too stoked about the distance between cookie and cup?

    17. Feel like one glass doesn't hold the amount of Jägerbomb you truly desire?

    Who ever made this.......you are my hero! #problemsolved

    Problem drunkenly solved.

    18. Extinguisher gone missing?

    19. Embarrassed about your shattered screen?

    How to make the best out of a bad situation

    Problem solved.

    20. Not really sure how to install A/C into your vintage car?

    21. Lost your suspenders?

    22. Laptop fan just not getting the job done anymore?

    My LAPTOP Fan-LOL see more funny pics ever here 1 to 12 => http://t.co/XOy5KlifnS

    23. Lacking in manpower?

    #Joesjests Staffing problem solved ... !! ;))

    Problem solved.