16 Reasons You Should Never Add Your Boss On Facebook

Do NOT accept that friend request.

1. Because they will know if you're on Facebook during work.

2. And you cannot talk sh*t about your manager or you are bound to get fired.

3. Because if you post something that was meant to be a private message, they will know your dirty secrets.

4. They will know when you're lying to them about missing work.

5. And call you out on it.

6. When you write on a brand's wall, your boss can see it. And they will learn things about you they wish they hadn't.

7. Someone could comment about personal drama on your status.

8. Or tag you in very inappropriate posts.

9. Because sometimes you might forget that you're friends in the first place.

10. They'll judge you for getting too personal.

11. Watching Socialcam videos will definitely come up in their News Feed.

12. And Graph Search will let them know what you really like.

13. Because sometimes you think Facebook is Google, and now they know your search history.

14. Your friends will always comment with sexual innuendo.

15. Your boss will see you only as a mistress.

16. And then they will fire you for being stupid.

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