This Is What Your Favorite Fictional Characters Would Look Like In Real Life

    It's not every day you catch a Quidditch player buying sweeping brooms at Target.

    Amanda Rollins, a UCF grad and LeakyCon Art Fellowship winner, started the Fiction Happens photography project for her senior thesis back in 2013.

    Quidditch Player, Harry Potter

    Gwen Cooper, Torchwood

    The 10th Doctor, Doctor Who

    The concept is to take pictures of fictional characters in everyday situations and capture the feeling of growing up with your favorite movie/TV icons.

    Abaddon, Supernatural

    Edward Kenway, Assassins Creed

    Thranduil, The Hobbit

    "The idea for the project actually sparked from remembering experiences from when I was younger of being bullied. I wanted to take this idea and inspire people to not be ashamed of who they are or what they love!"

    Darth Maul, Star Wars

    Princess Tiana, The Princess and the Frog

    Rose Tyler, Doctor Who

    Rollins said people often come up to the shoots and ask to take pictures with the cosplayers.

    Mei, My Neighbor Totoro

    Snow White, Snow White

    Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Beauty

    Although, not everything always goes as planned. Rollins says, "We also had a kid exclaim to his friends, 'That isn't Batman! That's just a dad in a costume!'"

    Batman, Batman

    Rose Tyler/The Moment & Clara, Doctor Who

    Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones

    Either way, the project is a fun surprise for geeks who see these photo shoots in action.