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    The Night Before Your First Final: Expectation Vs. Reality

    Twas the night before your first final, and all throughout your over-stressed mind....

    Expectation: You've been reading and studying dutifully for the past 2 weeks. This exam can suck it.

    Reality: Exam? What exam?

    Expectation: At this point, you've got studying down to a science.

    Reality: Turns out, studying just isn't that much fun.

    Expectation: You've got the perfect pump-up playlist for exam day.

    Reality: You didn't remember a playlist so you're stuck with top 40 or talk radio.

    Expectation: You make sure you get your 8+ hours of sleep before the big day.

    Reality: The only way you're going to make a reasonable attempt at this is with all-nighters (plural.)

    Expectation: You've worked hard. You've studied as hard as you could.

    Reality: You didn't really work all that hard. In fact, you didn't really study at all.

    Expectation: You know there's a point where you can't fit any more information into your brain.

    Reality: That point just came a bit sooner than you thought it would...

    Expectation: Where you'll be at 11:00pm.

    Reality: Where you'll be at 11:00pm.

    Expectation: Come the next morning, you rise early in time for a proper breakfast.

    Reality: You oversleep and only have time for one thing.

    Expectation: Exam, do your worst!

    Reality: WAIT NO PLEASE DON'T.

    But come tomorrow, it will all be over.

    Until the next one....

    So from one of the wisest people we know:

    And one of the not so wise: