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11 DOs and DON'Ts For Throwing A Super Bowl Party

How to do it right.

Along with New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day, the Super Bowl is part of a string of disappointing winter holidays — hyped-up and ostensibly festive events during which you go to elaborate logistical lengths to get somewhere crowded and terrible. Typically, it's not until St. Patrick's Day arrives with the flower blossoms and giant beers of spring that we return to the holidays that are actually fun.

It does not have to be this way. New Year's is already past us, and for Valentine's Day you're on your own because I don't know how to talk to girls, but your Super Bowl can be redeemed if you follow the rules below.

1. DO have two TVs.

2. DON'T countenance any smirking at people who get really into the game.

3. DO encourage a ton of beer drinking.

4. DON'T just serve cheap beer.

5. DON'T say, "The commercials are better than the game."

6. DO play music during commercial breaks.

7. DON'T kill someone as a tribute to Ray Lewis.

8. DO have as many chicken wings as humanly possible. All sorts of chicken wings.

9. DON'T encourage party-hopping.

10. DO encourage lots of gambling.

11. DO feature this early '90s poster of Jim Harbaugh somehow.