23 Rookie Mistakes Recent Graduates Make

    The end is nigh.

    1. Assuming you need to have a job waiting for you the day after you graduate.

    2. Or assuming a job will just come to you.

    3. Talking way too much about the single struggle.

    4. Or the "where is this relationship going" struggle.

    5. Thinking you're a failure for moving back home.

    In honor of moving back home in 9 days, here is a pic of my fav box I moved into Flippen last year. #freshmanboys

    6. Thinking your life is over now that college is becoming a distant memory.

    7. Being way too picky about the job search.

    8. Trying to move to a city where all your friends are going.

    9. Pretending your paycheck is twice as big as it actually is.

    my main problem is that I have really expensive taste and this is my bank account

    10. Not recognizing the difference between work friendships and social friendships.

    11. Refusing to face the responsibility that comes with being an adult.

    12. Relying on takeout as your primary source of food, resulting in some weight gained.

    On this new diet where all I eat is $5 Indian takeout lunch boxes made of 100% carbs.

    13. Assuming your first job determines what your path will be for the rest of your life.

    14. Letting work take over your life and bringing your exercise routine to a complete halt.

    15. Partying a little too hard on a week night.

    16. Dressing like you're still in college.

    oversized sweatpants at work. unacceptable... but it's happening.

    17. Being afraid to make friends at work.

    18. Spending too much time stalking former classmates on social media...

    19. ...Then comparing your place in life to theirs, resulting in unnecessary sulking.

    20. Not learning how to cook at least three decent meals.

    Make your own cheese sauce they said. It's easy they said. Think I'll stick to baking. #fail #cookingfail

    21. Spending $3 on a latte every day rather than saving it.

    22. Waiting to start paying off student loans until later down the road.

    Best thing I've seen haha #PostGradProblems

    23. Not realizing that this is the greatest time of your life.