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21 Situations You Can’t Avoid At A Christian College

Peace n' blessings.

1. You encounter countless people asking when you're going to marry your significant other...

2. ... Then face the awkwardness after you say you don't know.

3. When you go home for break, you have to explain what "ring by spring" means.

4. Getting asked if you want to join in a pop-up worship session.

5. Having someone tell you they'll "be praying for you" for the most mundane problem.

6. The Skeptics Club getting in huge debates with students.

7. Walking through campus after a party and unintentionally running into a devotional.

8. Your teacher asks you to review how you grew spiritually during the course regardless of the content.

9. Not knowing whether someone is having a spiritual breakthrough or spiritual breakdown.

10. Getting caught by your RA after curfew in the opposite sex's dorm.

11. You're asked countless times what your "vocation" is.

12. Sometimes you're surrounded by students walking around campus barefoot "just because."

13. Opening your Instagram feed to every photo saying #Blessed.

14. Running around campus in a full sweat trying to get your last convocation/chapel credit.

15. When you're hungry and forced to stare at your food while someone's voluntary prayer goes on for eons.

16. One of your date options being "going to try a new church."

17. At least one of your friends having their first sip of alcohol on their 21st birthday.

18. Christmas is not just a holiday, it is THE HOLIDAY.

19. You'll be listening to really catchy music, and suddenly realize it's contemporary Christian.

20. There will be a small minority of people that will push their beliefs on you, whether it's extreme one way...

21. ... Or the other.

No matter what the belief, your class is so small you'll most likely know and love the majority of students before graduation.