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    17 Small Shopping Habits To Pick Up That'll Save You Money

    Make saving your favorite.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community what little tricks they use to save money. Here are some of the best responses about how to shop smart:

    1. Take out however much cash you want to spend BEFORE you go shopping.

    2. Invest in high-quality and long-lasting appliances.

    "Buy things that are good quality to begin with, so you're not replacing them constantly. For example, most of my kitchen odds and ends are all either family hand-me-downs or stuff I've found at antique stores, so they definitely last.

    If you insist on having new dishware, try Corelle. Dishwasher safe, break resistant with a three-year warranty, and not that expensive."

    -Renee Heitman, Facebook.

    3. Don't buy Tupperware: Instead, use the plastic containers you already get from the store.

    4. Use Shopkick, an app that'll help you score gift cards to your favorite stores.

    "When you walk into certain stores and open the app, you get 'kicks.' You can scan items to get more kicks and after you get enough, you get gift cards for the store or item of your choosing, like Target, Sephora, GameStop, and Best Buy."


    Download the app here.

    5. When shopping online, use cash-back services.

    6. Hack your coffee order.

    7. Stop spending money on "binge food."

    8. Get creative with the number of ways you can re-wear your wardrobe.

    9. Only buy something that you'll use as many times as the dollar amount it costs.

    "If I'm debating on whether or not to buy, say, a shirt or pair of jeans, I ask myself if I will wear that item as many times as it costs. So if a shirt is $30, if I don't think I will wear it at least 30 times, I will not buy it."


    10. Grocery shop from least expensive to most expensive store.

    11. Match the coupons you get from a newspaper subscription to get BOGOs.

    "Get a Sunday newspaper subscription for $10 annually. It pays for itself in a week of coupons. I match the coupons with BOGOs (Publix FTW!) and it really adds up! The best coupons are usually on new items so you have to be willing to try different brands."


    12. Use eyeshadow for eyeliner.

    13. Start using cash-back credit cards.

    "Earning 5% on purchases on Amazon or at the gas station really adds up quickly. If you pay the credit card off every month, you are literally just paying yourself to make purchases you'd probably be making anyways."


    Find out which one's best for you here.

    14. Switch to cloth diapers.

    "If you are a parent with a baby and are dreading the costs for the first year, you should consider giving cloth diapers a try. A full supply of cloth (about 24 diapers) will cost you anywhere between $200 to $700 depending on the method you choose and the brand you prefer. If you take proper care of them you can use them for up to four years and for multiple children."


    Learn more about cloth diapers here, and you can buy some here.

    15. Stop buying expensive cleaning supplies.

    16. Download the 5miles app, which is like a non-sketchy version of Craigslist.

    17. Stop buying alcohol.

    Answers have been edited for length and clarity.

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