21 Old People Who Are So Brutal You Want Them As Your Grandparents

    Older, wiser, and savage AF.

    1. This grandpa who has seen more impressive things in his time:

    2. This grandma who doesn't have time for rhetorical questions:

    3. This grandma who doesn't want to be subjected to any offensive images:

    4. This grandma who knows how to do Valentine's Day the right way:

    5. This grandpa who knows the real truth about Grandma's cooking:

    6. This grandma who wants the bowl gone whether you want it or not:

    7. This grandma who knows exactly what the future holds:

    8. This grandma who plays to win:

    9. This grandpa who was open and honest about his lack of Christmas presents:

    10. This grandma who likes to include a smallπŸ–•in with her cards:

    11. This grandma who doesn't have time to wait on anyone:

    My grandma ain’t give nobody time to wake up good and brush they teeth this morning

    12. This grandpa who has definitely thrown better parties in his time:

    13. And this grandma who knows what "throwing a party" is actually code for:

    Omg why is my grandma such a savage

    14. This grandma who knows how to throw some serious shade:

    15. And this grandma who isn't afraid to leave someone on read:

    16. This grandpa who will NOT be told what to do:

    17. This grandma who wasn't having any of that "not the right time, Kellie" nonsense:

    18. This grandma who won't accept any excuses for rude behavior:

    My grandma is a nut. My grandfather passed and my grandma said "he got a lot of nerve pulling some shit like this today"πŸ˜‚

    19. This grandpa who managed to get two savage burns in one go:

    Savage grandpa right here lmao

    20. This grandma who doesn't even have the words to express her disappoint:

    when your grandma is savage πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #boo

    21. And finally, this grandpa who has, frankly, had enough of ButtFeed's commentary: