18 Ridiculous Things That Will Make Most Women Both Laugh And Cringe

    "Who named them Kegels and not puss-ups?"

    1. When it feels like your vagina is messing with you:

    2. When you're not sure why it feels like you're leaking:


    3. When you realize how weird this situation is:

    4. When you just can't help yourself once a month:

    5. When you get to that age where a little bit of pee just happens sometimes:

    6. When motherhood turns out to be as much of a bitch as a period:

    7. When you die a little bit inside because your partner is just so, so off (but, thanks for asking?):

    8. When real life inspires real fun:

    9. When you experience one of these bad boys for the first time:

    10. When you wish vagina exercises had a better name:

    11. When you think your period is done, but:

    12. When you have to do the ~minor adjustment~ dance:

    13. When you realize you actually have a sixth sense:

    14. When living in the future proves...interesting:

    15. When your period decides to show up completely unannounced:

    16. When your priorities are very set:

    17. When you have a conversation with someone who is unnecessarily uncomfortable:

    18. And finally, when you can't help but see yourself in art: