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The 30 Best Teachers Of All Time

Anybody want to go back to school?

1. The teacher with a PHD in righteousness

2. The teacher that loves pop music

3. The teacher that knows how to get people to study

4. The teacher that does this

Or let's you do this

5. The teacher that knows a good comeback

6. The teacher that may or may not be Zach Galifianakis

7. The teacher that probably should be fired

8. The teacher that is probably a wizard

9. The teacher that makes fun of his students during a tornado

10. The teacher that gives this test

11. The teacher that plays Skyrim

12. The teacher that is the fourth wolf

13. The teacher that knows all parents are crazy

14. The teacher that can somehow make Jersey Shore educational

15. The teacher that is wise to your excuses

16. The teacher that appreciates a good old fashioned ninja-wizard battle

17. The teacher that is confident in his student's futures

18. The teacher that doesn't want to listen to your crap

19. The teacher that is a planning a ridiculous field trip

20. The teacher that stands up for what he believes in by dressing like a clown

21. The teacher who created a Batman equation

22. The teacher that will beat you in video games

23. The teacher that Rick Rolls you with a whiteboard

24. The teacher that appreciates your risk

25. The teacher who gives out passive agressive awards

26. The teacher that is hip to your slang

27. The teacher that understands what you're going through

28. The teacher that tries to answer the age old question

29. The teacher that is probably Ron Swanson