20 Reasons Why People Are Seriously Amazing


    1. With a little bit of practice, they can turn toast-making into a sublime artistic experience:

    2. They can flip over the subway tracks with grace and majesty:

    3. They refuse to allow themselves to be defeated by chairs:

    4. Jackets are not mere apparel to them — they are instruments of their art:

    5. They see walls not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to express themselves:

    6. They didn't just stop at inventing fire — they went on to improve the medium beyond anyone's wildest dreams:

    7. They see waterskiing as the perfect time to get in their arm workouts:

    8. With a little push, they can conquer any obstacle:

    9. Because sport is not merely a game, but an art:

    10. And one that constantly defies logic:

    11. Even riding a skateboard can't stop them from breakdancing:

    12. Or a pair of crutches from a sick grind:

    13. Note passing is not a necessity, but an art form:

    14. And cars merely represent an opportunity to reenact that one scene from the Barenaked Ladies video for "One Week":

    15. To them, doing a flip onto someone's palm is just par for the course:

    16. And doing a flip in a wheelchair just a normal Wednesday:

    17. Even moments of potential disaster can be turned around in an instant:

    18. And celebrated accordingly much later:

    19. Because getting dressed is an extreme sport to many:

    20. And even the simplest things are amazing when you stop to think about it: