23 Ways To Get Back At All Your Friends

    Have you been personally victimized by one of your friends recently? It's time to get even.

    1. Get them while they eat:

    2. Get them while they work:

    3. Get them while they shower:

    4. Get them while they get ready in the morning:

    5. Get them with a beet:

    6. Get them while they're sleeping:

    7. Get them with some "cream" filled donuts:

    8. Get them when they wake up:

    9. Get them by glueing their shoes to the ground:

    10. Get them when they put on deodorant:

    11. Get them after a shower:

    12. Get them with a candy "apple":

    13. Get them with a fake mouse while they work out:

    14. Get them when they try to freshen up:

    15. Get them at their most vulnerable point, when they're eating Oreos:

    16. Get them in the middle of a bathroom break:

    17. Get them when they come home:

    18. Get them when they try to wash their hands:

    19. Get them in the kitchen:

    20. Get them with fake candy:

    21. Get them during an arm wrestling match:

    22. Get them with a fake door handle:

    23. Or just get them with the classic "shake an invisible shaker of salt" trick: