Pizzas — They're Just Like Us!

    They may live in a pizza box but pies likes these have no problem doing every day tasks. In fact, they're just like us!

    Like us, they enjoy a poolside sunbath!

    They make friends with cute animals...

    ...they ride them...

    ...and they feed them!

    They work on household chores!

    They trim the hedges,

    drop off the mail,

    fix the satellite dish,

    and help with the groceries!

    Sometimes they trip in puddles! Oops!

    But that won't stop them from dropping into that skate bowl...

    ...or making that slam dunk!

    They hang out on fire escapes...

    ...hydrate at the water fountain...

    ...and seize weird photo ops with their friends!

    They love to go on adventures...

    ...and are totally willing to lend a helping hand!

    So let's agree on a cease-fire.

    And thank photographer Jon Paul Douglass for catching all of these pizzas outside their box.