The 25 Stages Of Having A Snow Day In College

    Welcome to the shining glory that is the Snow Day.

    1. Wake up and notice it's snowing awfully hard.

    2. You can't possibly be expected to attend class in this, right? RIGHT?!

    3. Start contemplating all the ways going to class would surely lead to your demise.

    4. Reluctantly start getting ready for your day.

    5. Then you see it — a Facebook status joyously announcing that the elusive snow day has arrived.

    6. *Furiously scroll through your News Feed until you find confirmation from a second source*

    7. Rejoice!

    8. Snapchat all your friends at schools with warm weather.

    9. The excitement fades when you remember how long your to-do list is.

    10. Vow to spend the day catching up on schoolwork.

    11. An hour later, find yourself browsing your best friend's new girlfriend's sister's ex-boyfriend's Facebook profile.

    12. Think about how it's the perfect day to curl up with hot chocolate and a good book.

    13. Briefly entertain the idea of catching up on emails.

    14. Binge-watch Netflix instead.

    15. Wonder if you're too old to play in the snow.

    16. Throw on every remotely warm article of clothing you own in preparation for snow frolicking.

    17. Have a quick drink so the alcohol blanket protects you from the cold.

    18. Fall on your face as soon as you step outside since you don't have appropriate footwear.

    19. Instagram the obligatory photo of a snowy, beautiful campus.

    20. Pride yourself on being the first person to stomp around on a patch of freshly fallen, untouched snow.

    21. Create a makeshift sled using the top lid of your under-the-bed storage box.

    22. Continue rolling around until you can't feel your extremities anymore.

    23. Return home exhausted and have another drink to warm up.

    24. Realize you wasted the entire day doing absolutely nothing productive.

    25. Desperately wish that tomorrow will be another snow day.