Donna's Favorite Buzz Of 2012

    It was a strange and wonderful year. This is an incomplete list because no one wants to read "Every Post Donna Laughed At And/Or Enjoyed In 2012".

    1. This photo from Mars.

    2. This malfunctioning cat.

    3. Learning the high-five wasn't invented until 1977.

    4. This DARPA robot which is surely not evolving to kill us all.

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    DARPA was only one of 27 science fictions that became fact this year, but they're probably the most terrifying.

    5. This really, REALLY horrible advice.

    6. The "Hawkeye Initiative".

    7. This nerdy science joke.

    8. Finding out about 8 species we can't bring back from extinction.

    9. This proof rhythmic gymnasts are wizards.

    10. Buzzfeed meeting the Mythbusters cast!

    11. This bird.

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    12. This Nutella recipe.

    13. This handy guide to telling if you have the plague.

    14. This insane book about life in the Middle Ages.

    15. The zombie apocalypse started in Florida.