18 Words That Mean Something Totally Different When You Have Natural Hair

    The curls have a language all their own.

    1. "Wash Day"

    2. "Poo"

    3. "Perm"

    4. "Kinky"

    5. "Co-wash"

    6. "Shrinkage"

    7. "Arm strength"

    8. "Pick"

    9. "Treatment"

    10. "Poof"

    11. "Waves"

    12. "Stretch"

    13. "Olive Oil"

    14. "Steamer"

    15. "Diffuser"

    Common meaning: A smelly good thing that's a perfect housewarming gift.

    Curly meaning: The one thing that turns a blow dryer from an evil frizz monster to helpful hair tool.

    16. "Rod"

    17. "Knot"

    18. "Afro"