This Detail From The First Season Of "Friends" Makes Perfect, Lovely Sense By Season 10

    My heart can't handle this.

    OK, so, like everyone else with a Netflix subscription, I've been rewatching Friends since it arrived there earlier this year.

    Well, I was binge-watching season one the other night when I came across some absolutely perfect foreshadowing.

    So, the group are all in the hospital while they wait for Ross's baby to be born.

    Monica and Chandler are sitting next to each other when a nurse wheels a newborn baby in a crib past them.

    And Monica then says this.

    Chandler being Chandler then responds with a joke which implies that they're in a relationship.

    Now, fast-forward to season eight, we're back in the hospital. This time, the gang are there to welcome Ross and Rachel's baby, Emma. And again, Monica is cooing over the newborns.

    Monica then embraces Chandler and says the exact same line she uttered back in season one.

    Then, just like in season one, Chandler responds with a joke. However, this time they're not only in a relationship, but married too.

    And the fact that Monica's desire to have a child hasn't waned in a whole eight years kinda makes Chandler's line in this scene from season 10 even more poignant.

    Cut to me sobbing on the floor.

    But wait, that isn't everything.

    Going back to the episode in season one. A short while after Monica tells Chandler she wants a baby, a new mother is wheeled out of her room cradling twins – one in each arm.

    And Monica says this.

    To which Chandler assures her that she will have a baby.

    And he then comes up with this plan.

    Well, cut to season 10. Monica and Chandler didn't have to wait until they were 40 to get married, because they fell in love and tied the knot long before then. And they have not one, but two babies.

    TWINS. Just like the woman from season one who Monica was envious of.

    And my heart can't handle how perfect the whole thing is.