How To Turn A Full-Body Turkey Suit Into A Turducken Costume

    It's very easy.

    Here is this full body turkey costume. And you'd look pretty cool if you wore this for Halloween.

    BUT, notice you've got plenty of extra room in the thighs.

    And in the shoulders.

    So what if...

    what if.

    WHAT IF.

    You wore this duck suit underneath it! And 1/3 of the way through the night did a turkey --> duck striptease.

    And THEN 2/3 into the part you reveal a chicken suit under the duck suit!

    Congratulations. You have just honored the food gods with your masterful Turducken costume.

    PS. If wearing three layers of clothing doesn't sound so fun, you *could* achieve the same effect with the turkey suit, a chicken hat/gloves.

    And a strong duck beak mask.


    BuzzFeed Food officially endorses Option #1
