21 Signs You're Having A Bit Of A Shit Day


    1. Some days you wake up and you feel a cloud hanging over you.

    2. Maybe you have something stressful to do, that you don't feel prepared for.

    3. Or maybe there is no logical reason for you to feel a bit shit.

    4. On shit days your brain doesn't function as well as on OK days.

    5. And everything that could go wrong seems to go wrong.

    6. If anyone asks you how you're doing.

    7. Productivity falls to an all time low.

    8. You get snappy.

    9. It might be wise if everyone just avoids you today.

    10. You think food might solve your problem.

    11. But it doesn't. Cake doesn't solve all problems.

    12. Time passes at half the speed it does on OK days.

    13. Listening to sad, self-indulgent music is a definite sign you're having a bit of a shit day.

    14. Just when you thought your day couldn't get any worse, your phone dies because of all the procrastination.

    15. You decide to treat yourself with a takeaway, but it takes an hour to come.

    16. Everything on TV is a bit shit, and it seems like you've watched all of Netflix a million times.

    17. Going to bed is the best thing that has happened all day.

    18. The next day you wake up, and suddenly the world seems a bit less shit.

    19. So remember on bit shit days, listen to these motivational tampons.

    20. Google dogs with eyebrows.

    21. Your personal shit cloud will probably pass. Tomorrow might be just OK.