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18 Of Your Favorite Toys From The '90s

Some of the best memories of being a kid is when your parents would take you to the toy store. How many of these toys do you remember? Add your favorite toy in the comments!

1. Don't Wake Daddy

2. Pretty Pretty Princess

3. Furby

If you're feeling nostalgic for Furby, you're in luck! The little guy's back. He's new and improved, and he has a mind of his own.

4. Super Soakers

5. Bop It

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If you didn't have one, you at least had the jingle stuck in your head.

6. Virtual Pets

7. Pogs

8. Talkboy

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9. Talkback Dear Diary

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Boys!? EWWW!!! Dear Diary (and Talkgirl) was the response to the Talkboy.

10. Crossfire

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11. Sky Dancers

12. Beanie Babies

13. Crocodile Dentist

14. Water Snakes

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There basically was no purpose to this toy, but we played with them anyway.

15. Pokemon Cards

16. Transformers Beast Wars

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Which Beast was your favorite?

17. Skip-It

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Skip-It was originally made in the '80s, but they didn't get popular until their '90s revival. They were the hit of the playground!

18. HitClips

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In an age before Mp3 players, HitClips were the hottest way to play portable music. They didn't even play entire songs, but we still loved them anyway.