Meet The Guy Who Ran 135 Miles Without Stopping, And Filmed The Whole Thing

    135 miles, and no that's not a typo.

    Last January, 41-year-old Josh Spector decided to push the limits of his body and mind by running in the Brazil 135, an ultramarathon that takes place in Caminho da Fé (Walk Of Faith). We gave Josh a GoPro and asked him to document his experience.

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    After seven years of training, Josh flew from Los Angeles to Brazil to compete alongside around 70 other men and women from across the world.

    The course took Josh from busy cities...

    To rural dirt roads.

    And while Josh was nervous before the race started, after running 54 miles, he said he felt confident in his ability to finish the race.

    But once night fell, he experienced some of the lowest points of his 135 mile journey. "I was very much alone. It wasn't scary, it was eerie and quiet and time seemed to go much more slowly."

    Josh said he knew that once the sun came up, he would feel differently — and he was right, sort of. While he said mentally he was feeling better, his feet had started to badly blister.

    Josh finished the run in 32 hours 49 minutes and 20 seconds.

    After the race, Josh told us it took five weeks for his body to recover and his blisters to heal. But the ultramarathoner said, "These long races are much more challenging psychologically than physically."

    But Josh wouldn't have it any other way. "I'm almost always thinking about running... If I don't run in the morning, then it's very hard for me to focus... All I'm thinking about is when I'm going to get x done so I can get out and run."