19 Piss-Funny "Simpsons" Moments That Perfectly Sum Up Scotland

    Lisa: "Can you say something nice about Scotland?" Willie: "Well, sometimes the fog comes in and covers everything terrible."

    1. When they highlighted our fondness for tough love.

    We do not mollycoddle anyone or anything. Especially not babies.

    2. And our stoic refusal to experience emotions.

    3. Or to let anyone else experience them.

    "Stop your snivellin' and greetin', plenty have it worse." – Our national motto.

    4. When they came out with this gem.

    5. When they got this fact 100% right.

    6. When they summed up our communication problems.

    7. When they nailed our hobbies down to a tee.

    8. When Willie was everyone's dad at the end of a party.

    9. And when he reminded you of every drunk rugby fan you've ever sat across from on a train.

    So many bollock-flashes.

    10. When they nailed the pain of going to an away game.

    11. When they summed up all Yes campaigners.

    12. When they perfectly described every single hipster food stand at every single Scottish festival.

    13. When they showed the end of a night out in Glasgow.

    14. When they had a truly excellent name for the lowest setting on Willie's new air conditioner.

    15. When they showed the world what it's like to use Tinder in a small Scottish village.

    "My only match is me."

    16. And when they nailed our collective dating strategy.

    There's 5 million of us, so it definitely works.

    17. When they introduced the world to "North Kilttown".

    All Scottish people are from here.

    18. When they showed Willie drinking Bucky.

    19. And when they summed up our age-old rivalries.

    *rolls up sleeves* 'MON THEN. WE'LL FIGHT THE LOT OF YE.