14 TV Shows You Probably Started Watching Because Of Tumblr

    Their GIFs are enticing and their fans are all over the place. Admit it, the Tumblr vortex sucked you in.

    1. Supernatural (CW)

    2. Misfits (Channel 4)

    3. Adventure Time (Cartoon Network)

    4. Once Upon a Time (ABC)

    5. Skins (BBC America, Channel 4)

    6. Scandal (ABC)

    7. Revenge (ABC)

    8. Teen Wolf (MTV)

    9. Merlin

    10. Elementary (CBS)

    11. Workaholics (Comedy Central)

    12. Sherlock (BBC)

    13. Community (NBC)

    14. Doctor Who (BBC)

    What have you started watching because of Tumblr?