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31 Relatable Shah Rukh Khan GIFs For Everyday Situations

C-c-c-can't even.

1. Being told you look nice by your crush.

2. Keeping a straight face when your friend is giving a presentation.

3. Pretending to not just have farted violently.

4. Responding to relatives asking about your grades.

5. Explaining your explicit tweets to mom.

6. Dealing with dad not even stopping the car at McDonald's.

7. Reacting to pizza commercials.

8. Responding to "How did it go?" right after an exam.

9. Getting real tired of someone's shit.

10. Like, reeeeal tired.

11. Seeing bae looking cute as hell.

12. Seeing bae's friend looking cuter.

13. Watching porn that actually has an elaborate storyline.

14. Daydreaming about your crush.

15. Coping with getting friendzoned by them.

16. And seeing them get with someone else.

17. But pretending to be okay.

18. Not having regrets in life.

19. But suddenly remembering you may have left your straightener/iron/stove on and then having an awful day.

20. Posing for a selfie in public and trying to be inconspicuous about it.

21. When dat ass is just out of this world.

*single tear* It's just so perfect.

22. Being the only friend who can play the guitar.

23. Looking fine as hell dressed up in the mirror.

24. Looking fine as hell naked in the mirror.

25. Having unique seduction techniques.

26. Skyping with bae while family is at home.

27. Dealing with haters.

28. Getting hella stoned with your best friend.

29. Smoking alone and unexpectedly falling into an abyss of depression.

30. Existing on Mondays.

31. Accomplishing something with boss-level swagger.