9 South Asian Child Prodigies Who Will Make You Realise You're Utterly Useless

    On the other hand, the future looks really, really bright.

    1. Akrit Jaswal: Surgeon at 7.

    2. Arfa Karim Randhawa: Microsoft Certified Professional at 9.

    3. Priyanshi Somani: Mental calculator at 11.

    4. Kautilya Pandit: Google Boy at 6.

    5. Haris Manzoor: Passed four O level exams at 9.

    6. Ajay Puri: Youngest web designer.

    7. Sushma Verma: Studying microbiology at 14.

    8. Truptraj Pandya: Tabla wunderkind.

    9. Shorya Mahanot: Little Picasso.