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    The 16 Stages Of Realizing It's Time To Pay Back Your Student Loans, As Explained By Nicki Minaj

    "Explained," in the sense that Nicki Minaj gifs tend to explain everything.

    1. You have been out of college for about six months and, not gonna lie, you're feeling pretty damn good about yourself.

    2. Of course, you have been emailed on numerous occasions during this period of six months reminding you that the time to pay those loans is right around the corner.

    3. But you're "busy" and these somehow slip under the radar.

    4. You finally read the email with the subject, "URGENT," and realize the time has come. The first payment is due in three weeks.

    5. It's bad.

    6. You take a moment. Let it settle in.

    7. You cry.

    8. Of course, this does not last as long as expected. You retreat into a much darker place.

    9. "Oh God, please make these feels stop!!!!!!!!!"

    10. As you are on your emotional rampage you start seeing things.

    11. Things proceed to get a little worse.

    12. You suddenly calm down.

    13. Maybe you do a little cardio to clear your head.

    14. You even treat yourself to a day of R&R by the pool. You (and everyone within a twenty mile radius) just went through a lot.

    15. You realize you'll be fine. You're back to your old self!

    16. Aside from the occasional bout of hallucinations, your student loans don't give you much more heartache. They are just another part of life and you deal with it!