24 Things People Who Are Always Hot Will Understand

    Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

    1. You absolutely can't live without AC.

    2. A cold shower isn't just for after a workout — it's basically the only way you shower.

    3. At night you get so hot you're forced to sleep with as few clothes as possible.

    4. You commonly sleep on top of the blankets to avoid trapping yourself in a bed oven.

    5. You wish it were socially acceptable to be shirtless all the time.

    6. You constantly suffer from thirst.

    7. You've always had an issue with sweating.

    8. That means wet, clammy hands...

    9. And intricate back-sweat patterns.

    10. You always feel the overwhelming need to wipe your damp face.

    11. While other people look forward to summer, you feel as if it's your own personal hell.

    Three months of 90º-plus temperatures? No thanks.

    12. Seeing summer temperatures makes you want to damn near faint.

    Current heat index numbers = surface of the sun #fox10wx #HeatAdvisory

    13. Cuddling is an issue because your body heat makes things uncomfortable.

    14. Winter is your favorite time of the year mostly because of the weather.

    15. Going outside in January is refreshing, not freezing.

    16. Around the house you wear the least amount of clothes possible.

    17. Taking off your pants is the first thing you do when you get home.

    18. Your wardrobe consists mostly of shorts.

    19. Your medicine cabinet is pretty much an assortment of antiperspirants.

    20. Most of your shirts have permanent pit stains.

    21. Even when you're sitting still, you're still burning up.

    22. Your back and legs stick to leather or plastic chairs when you're sweaty, which is often.

    23. You’ll go through extreme measures just to beat the heat.

    24. Eventually everyone else grows tired of your complaining.

    But there is no escaping your internal furnace.

    Oh well. At least winter is a walk in the park for you.