17 Things That Would Happen If Real Life Were Like "The Sims"

    Chat joke chat joke compliment hug hug hug tickle tickle. There. Now you're my best friend.

    If real life were like The Sims, maintaining friendships would be pretty easy.

    And the greatest threats to your health would rarely actually involve your health...


    ...except for the occasional mix-up on a neighbor's lawn...

    ...which could be easily cured.

    Fires would be treated very, very differently.

    Craigslist would look a lot like this:

    And this email would get sent at least thrice a week.

    But who needs work, really?

    Unless you're in it for the promotions.

    Etsy would pretty much just be the same 7 paintings over and over again.

    Porn sites would also be...different.

    Burglars wouldn't steal your expensive things, just random household items.

    Dating would be weird.

    Having a baby would be even weirder.

    In order to age, you would have to spin around really fast while your friends and family cheer for an entire hour.

    And death? Optional.