Japanese Teens Are Licking Each Other's Eyeballs For Fun, And It's Disgusting

    Nope-ity nope nope nope.

    A fetish called ocular linctus, "worming" or in more casual terms, "eyeball licking" has been sweeping through middle schools in Japan.

    It's basically what it sounds like: you put your tongue on someone's eyeball.

    For many teens, eyeball licking is the new "second base" and comes after making out.

    But it's not just teens; adults are using "worming" as a type of foreplay.

    A Japanese website called Naver Matome notes that teens have been showing up to class in eye patches.

    Because as you might have guessed, tonguing someone's eye can have some medical repercussions.

    One possible explanation for the new fad is this year-old music video from the Japanese band Born, which features some prime eyeball licking at 3:35.

    View this video on YouTube


    If you can stomach it, here's some eyeball-licking action IRL: