15 Tiny Miracles For Antisocial People

    When no one asks what you did last weekend.

    1. Getting an elevator all to yourself.

    2. Thinking you see someone you know that you'll have to say hi to, but it ends up just being their doppelgänger. ~whew~

    3. You manage to get in or out of your home without running into a neighbor.

    4. You think your roommate's home only to discover... they're not!!!!!

    5. When you're tired as fuhhhhh and your friend texts to cancel plans first.

    6. When your friends want to leave the party before you even had the chance to start hinting.

    7. Your coworkers actually just go to happy hour without trying to guilt you into coming first.

    8. When your friend invites ANOTHER friend you don't know to come along but they CAN'T MAKE IT.

    9. The person you almost had to make small talk with took out their phone first.

    10. The sheer existence of automated kiosks at the grocery store, airport, bank, movie theater...

    11. The magic, the light, the life that is ordering food online.

    12. When you have to call someone and they don't pick up.

    13. The fact that modern dating is 100% text-based.

    14. The person you were left alone talking to goes to the bathroom.

    15. When you're about to walk past a coworker and they pretend to look at something else before you even have to.