Oscar Pistorius Tells His Side Of The Story

    The double-amputee Olympic hero faces charges of premeditated murder for shooting his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. In court Tuesday, Pistorius' lawyer read his affidavit. This is the full text.

    "I am an adult male, SA citizen and applicant in this application and seek to be released on bail.

    I fail to understand how I could be charged with murder, let alone premeditated murder because I had no intention to kill."

    "I make this affadavit of my own free will and have not been influenced. Contents is true and correct.

    I am an international sports star, I will not evade my trial.

    After the shooting I did not flee the scene. I remained until the police arrived.

    I dont know of any witnesses in this matter, and I won't interfere with any witnesses."

    [Source of the text.]