15 Priceless Little Pieces Of Beauty Advice From Mom

    When it comes to looking good, mom really does know best.

    1. Always pluck from below.

    2. Dust your blush brush.

    3. Protect your neck.

    4. Toss your old makeup and beauty accessories.

    5. Make sure your hair is clean.

    6. Keep your nails in tip-top shape.

    7. Keep it simple.

    8. Don't do anything if you don't want to.

    9. Spare the shampoo.

    10. Don't skimp on sunscreen.

    11. Don't forget your lipstick.

    12. Appreciate the joys of coconut oil.

    13. Don't forget about your elbows.

    14. Leave your face alone.

    15. Your smile is your best asset.