27 Things You Shouldn't Attempt While High

    You've been warned.

    1. Watch Fantasia.

    2. Go to the grocery store.

    3. Try to figure out how to slice a pineapple.

    4. Attempt to bake cookies.

    5. Design the ultimate weapon to wield in the zombie apocalypse.

    6. Crack the mystery of human powered flight.

    7. Call your parents.

    8. Try and pick your favorite nebula.

    9. Improvise an air freshener so your nonsmoking roommates don't get mad at you.

    10. Attempt to craft.

    11. Try and find that t-shirt you're pretty sure the laundromat stole.

    12. Find a place to nap undisturbed.

    13. Visit any site with endless scrolling.

    14. Try and figure out what this GIF is charting.

    15. Untangle your jewelry.

    16. Put your iTunes on shuffle.

    17. Shop for anything vintage on Etsy.

    18. Dress your pet up in costumes.

    19. Look at pictures of coral.

    20. Operate light machinery.

    21. Use photoshop.

    22. Join a food of the month club.

    23. Take pictures for your online dating profile.

    24. Sell your shitty broken stuff to make more weed money.

    25. Go to the petting zoo.

    26. Watch the episode of "Futurama" where Seymour dies waiting for Fry to come home.

    27. And finally: Respond to work emails.