8 Fictional Marriages Headed For Divorce Court

    Ladies, please remember that you don't have to marry the first penis you meet. Calling out pop culture for promoting unrealistic relationship expectations.

    Everyone loves a happy ending. OK, almost everyone. But the writers of children's and teen fiction seem to be confusing the words "happy" and "married." Teaching a whole generation (or two) of impressionable youths to stick a gold band on the first person they crushed on is a recipe for disaster. Thanks for contributing to the high divorce rate, pop culture.

    1. Miss Piggy and Kermit

    2. Han Solo and Leia (Movie Universe*)

    3. Katniss and Peeta

    4. Ginny and Harry

    5. Bella and Edward

    6. Katara and Aang

    7. Romeo and Juliet

    8. Ariel and Eric