14 Absurd Lies People Try To Tell You About Motherhood

    I call bullshit.

    1. "Your life is over."

    2. "Your vagina will be ruined forever."

    3. "You can kiss your sex life goodbye."

    4. "You have to be perfect."

    5. "You're not allowed to be sexy anymore."

    6. "You have to breastfeed."

    7. "Your baby's room needs to have a theme."

    8. "You can't cuss."

    9. "Your friends without kids will be annoyed by you."

    10. "You will never sleep again."

    11. "You have to get back to the size you were before you had a baby."

    12. "You have to dress like a mom."

    13. "You won't talk about anything else besides your baby."

    14. "Your kid will be exactly like you!"